"100 Years of Solitude” follows the story of a Latin American family in the fictional town, Macondo through seven generations. Written in a style featuring magical realism, this book was a part of the avant-garde movement. 

When designing my two book covers, I wanted to incorporate the themes of loneliness and togetherness, mystery, and passion found in the book. I chose green as the dominant color for both as it helps give a sense of place as the book takes place in the rainforests of Latin America. Both covers feature the rich flora of the land, with the first a series of repeating vectors of leaves and the second cover featuring my hand drawings of tropical plants. The couples could be any of the young couples depicted in the book throughout the many generations. The imagery on my second book cover was inspired by the themes of magical realism of the book and referenced the text. For the fonts, I wanted to combine more unusual statement fonts with traditional ones to strike a balance